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APO Encryption is a tool designed to protect your data from all perceived online threats. The APO, in the title, stands for Authorised Personnel Only, in reference to the encryption. Tools such as this are useful for both personal and business usage, whether protecting your own data or the data of a client. APO Encryption uses advanced encryption technology to encrypt and encode your data. Your data is in turn, hidden by a secret key, which the end user would require, when attempting to decrypt the data.
Why Encryption?
There are many things about online data theft that a lot of people are totally oblivious of.
Password protection for example, isn’t as useful as many are made to believe. Encryption, in this instances is a must, if it’s ever going to make any sense.
The only way to safely communicate over the internet is by encrypting the data that is sent. It’s for this reasons that professionals, such as Accountants, Doctors, will use couriers, as it’s the only way they can be sure what they send will remain secure.
For those people that decide to take the leap, and invest in APO Encryption, tools such as this, pay for themselves in the amount of cash saved, that would otherwise be spent on sending information via courier.
New Privacy Acts, implemented across the world, now require that data handlers take steps to secure clients data.
In situations where said client data has been compromised, you are required to notify your clientele as well as any and all potential clients. The only saving grace in a situation like this, would be for you to state that the data had been encrypted, which means the hackers would literally have no way of accessing the data they had stolen.
This is why encryption is something you should consider.
![]() APO Encryption combines Military Grade encryption with expansive customisation. For access to this powerful program, click the link below: |
APO Encryption Review: Features
APO Encryption is an easy-to-use encryption tool that can be used both in the home or business. This tool works in the background, protecting all the most important data on your computer, whether it be documents, photos, videos etc.
Below are a number of highlight features that makes this tool standout:
![]() | FIPS 140-2 Certified Encryption: This is military grade encryption, used for securing only the most Top Secret documents. So you can rest assured that your personal or clientele data will be protected. |
![]() | Protection from Hackers: Because of the nature of encryption, even if your system is compromised by a hacker, you can be confident that your data will remain secure, within the APO Encryption environment. |
![]() | Customisable: With APO Encryption you are given the ability to choose the optimal level of security for your computer system. None of this is set in stone, as you can alter your security level, depending on what you’re doing on the computer, this is most ideal for systems that have multiple users. |
![]() | Built-in Password Manager: With APO Encryption you get a inbuilt password, that you can use to safeguard your most sensitive data, such as ID numbers, Passwords, Usernames, etc. |
![]() | File Portability: Unlike other encryption tools out there, APO Encryption allows you to encrypt files on one system, then decrypt those very same files, on another system. |
![]() | Key Creation: With APO Encryption, there is no limit to the number of encryption keys that you can create. |
My Experience
There are a number of features that you notice, when you first load up this program. The first one that I noticed, was its automation capabilities. When you use automation, you are given the ability to look at an individual file, before decrypting it, which saves time. So how does this automation work, well, you can, for example, encrypt a particular folder, so whenever new data is added to that folder, it is automatically encrypted.
The installation file was very small, at less than 3 MB, as at the time I reviewed the product, and it in no way, adversely affected system performance, while running. During idle state, the program used up, 3.1 MB of Memory, and 0% of CPU resources. Encryption of a medium size file (100MB), took no more than 5 seconds to complete, while at the same time, consuming, a little over 5 MB of Memory.
Another thing I liked about this program was its customisation. There are a lot of options, which you can use to tweak the tool to your liking. If you’re an advanced computer user, then you’ll love this aspect of the program.
The FIPS certification means, once I encrypt a file, no one can access it, no matter how skilled or knowledgeable, they are. There are other additional tools it includes, such as compression and file-shredding, which can come in handy.
Before you can start encrypting and decrypting files, you need to create an APO key file, which is a file used by the program to decrypt your data; so it’s very important. Creating the APO key is very simple, and it features a password strength analyser to tell you whether or not you’ve chosen a good password. Once created you can save it, in its default location, which is what I did.
It’s this file (APO key) that allows you to encrypt a file on one system and decrypt it on another. All you need is the following:
APO Encryption Standard Edition
The Encrypted File(s)
The APO Key used to encrypt the file(s)
This is one of the things that sets this tool apart from other encryption tools. The ability to securely transfer data from system to system, from user to user. This is especially helpful, when sending sensitive data via email. All the person you’ve sent the data needs, is the APO key that you used to encrypt the file(s). APO encryption offers high level data encryption which eliminates risk, on your part, because the hackers would literally have no way of accessing the data, even if your data was compromised, by any chance.
What I Like
I really liked the user interface and the lightweight nature of the tool, at only 3 MB in size. But there are other things I liked about it, such as:
![]() | The speed it took to encrypt a file. |
![]() | The military grade encryption algorithm, utilised by the program. |
![]() | The FIPS certification. |
![]() | The ability to compress and shred files, making them unrecoverable. |
![]() | The large number of tweakable options. |
What I Didn’t Like
APO Encryption is an excellent program, which makes it difficult for me to find fault with it, but there was one thing that bothered me, which was:
![]() | The APO key file(s), when created is easily accessible by anyone that has access to the computer. So end users may want to consider saving this file to a hidden folder, for security sake. |
If you want to ensure your data is NEVER accessed by anyone but yourself, then you need to consider encryption, with APO Encryption standing heads and shoulders above all the rest. It uses military grade encryption, which means, your data is always secure.
Personally, I’d recommend using it for encrypting your most sensitive information, and just about everyone has sensitive information on their computer, whether it be credit card, banking or ID numbers, which means APO Encryption has its uses for all computer users.
![]() APO Encryption combines Military Grade encryption with expansive customisation. For access to this powerful program, click the link below: |
Review Overview | |
Features | ![]() |
Ease of Use | ![]() |
Installation | ![]() |
Customer Support | ![]() |
APO Encryption combines advanced options, military grade encryption and a modern user interface, in this one-of-a-kind encryption tool. | RECOMMENDED |
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