Windows Could Not Find a Driver for Your Network Adapter – Fixed

Are you having difficulties establishing a connection to the internet? During investigation (into its root cause), were you greeted with the “Windows could not find a driver for your network adapter” error notification? Well, this is a common issue that is typically associated with one’s network drivers. Your PCs network adapter is the one single component that allows you to connect to the web.

Slow Internet Connection? Here’s How to Fix It

There’s no doubt that plenty of places in the UK experience slow internet speeds. In terms of 5G connectivity, we have the worst average download speeds out of all G7 countries. That’s not an issue limited to rural areas, either. Even cities like Manchester and London placed 82nd and 76th, respectively, in terms of world broadband rankings.

How to Fix Filename Is Too Long

Filename and file paths both have their limitations in Windows. For this reason, it’s not uncommon to encounter the filename is too long error, especially if you work with a lot of files, i.e. editing, media steaming etc… For those of you unfamiliar with the options available to you, fret not, as you’ve come to the right place.

Windows Can’t Communicate with the Device or Resource – Fixed

End users that stumble upon connectivity issues may encounter, when they run the Network Diagnostic tool, the “Windows Can’t Communicate with the Device or Resource (Primary DNS Server)” error notification. So what is it, why does it occur, and what can you do about it? The World Wide Web or Internet (as it’s widely known by) is an integral part of our day to day lives.

click on Manage known networks in Wi-fi

Windows Can’t Connect To This Network – How to Fix It

When attempting to connect to a network on your operating system, it’s not uncommon to stumble upon the Windows can’t connect to this network error notification. The error is direct and brief, showing no indication of what is preventing you from connecting to the network in question. This naturally, leads to all kinds of frustration for the end users, as they may need to connect to the network to begin work, or to stream a video – whatever it may be.


Errors are generally accepted as a typical and common occurrence, while using your PC. The vast majority of these “errors” are harmless, however, there are instances when a user may stumble upon something critical, like a BSOD, such as THREAD STUCK IN DEVICE DRIVER. The error name is quite self-explanatory, it indicates that a device driver has stuck, waiting for the hardware device (it’s assigned to) to respond.

Media Is Write Protected – How to Fix It

Write Protection is a feature found on external storage devices (such as USB sticks, portable hard drives, etc.) that exists as an additional security measure. Ultimately, its objective is to prevent the user from accidently erasing or altering the data on disk. The media is write protected (ERROR_WRITE_PROTECT) – is an error notification that appears when a user attempts to copy, erase or edit the contents of a feature locked device, such as this.

Your Internet Access is Blocked – How to Fix it

It’s not uncommon for a user to encounter “Your internet access is blocked” with the ERR_NETWORK_ACESS_DENIED error code, while attempting to visit a website. The user’s immediate inclination is to give up and go to another website, however, there are things you can and should try, to access the site. “Your internet access is blocked” can appear without a moment’s notice.

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