How to fix .NET Framework 3.5 Error 0x800F0950

Contents .NET Framework Error Causes How to Fix It Repair Install Use Windows Features Use DISM Install via DotNET Run Repair Tool Error 0x800F0950 occurs, mostly on Windows 10 but also on Windows 8 and earlier, and the preview addition of Windows 11, when the end user attempts to install .NET Framework 3.5, using the […]

Fixing Windows Update Error 0xc19001e2

If you’ve encountered error 0xC19001e2 while updating your Windows 10 operating system, it’s likely the result of a pre-installed scripted failing to execute. Fortunately, it’s possible to fix this error, using one of several solutions outlined in this tutorial. Please continue reading to find out more.

Repairing Activation Error 0xc0020036

Did you find yourself in a situation where you’re attempting to upgrade from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10, only to receive an error 0xc0020036? The error will claim that you’re running a non-core edition of Windows. This may or may not make sense to you, depending on how you acquired your version of Windows.

How to Fix Error 0x80070141

There have been numerous reports of end users encountering Windows error 0x80070141 the device is unreachable, while attempting to transfer data to or from an external storage device; such as an iPhone or Android device. Connecting your mobile phone device to your operating system is done for many different reasons. With this configuration, it’s possible for you to quickly and conveniently copy videos and images to and from these devices.

How to Fix Error 0x8007016a

OneDrive is an online cloud service created by Microsoft and integrated into its latest iteration of Windows. This program and its features link seamlessly with both Windows 8 and 10. As a viable upgrade to past services (originally integrated with MSN Messenger) this program is/was designed primarily to create a save point or backup solution for files/documents saved on Windows.

How to Fix Error 0xc00007b

Contents Error Causes How to Fix It Run Windows Repair Tool Update .NET Framework Update DirectX Run as Administrator Update Xinput1_3.dll Run CHKDSK Error 0xc00007b which is typically accompanied by the message “the application was unable to start correctly”, refers to the corruption of either Windows system or DLL files required by the application refusing […]

Repairing Error Code 0x8019019a

Windows 10 has its own mail client software called Mail. This tool comes with a wide range of features with an intuitive graphical user interface. Windows users use this tool for sending, receiving and organising all their mail accounts into a single application. As is typically the case with applications, Mail is not without its issues.

Fixing Windows Update Error 80072ee2

There are a wide assortment of Windows Update errors, all with their own symptoms, causes and solutions. These errors can be very difficult to resolve. Not because the solutions require special skills. It is simply because the explanation given for the error is very vague. As in the case of Windows update error 80072ee2.

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