Windows Installer Errors

How to Repair Windows Installer Errors

The purpose of the Windows Installer Service is to facilitate the installation, uninstallation, maintenance and repair of software applications on your system. Before new software can be installed onto your system, it must first abide by a number of rules which will ensure that it functions without error while on the computer.

JavaScript Errors

How to Repair JavaScript Errors

JavaScript is one of only a few programming languages designed for the development of web pages. JavaScript errors on the other hand are essentially bugs within the code of a specific web page. In the early stages of internet technologies, HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) was the standard for production of websites.

Trojan Horse Virus

How to Remove a Trojan Horse Virus

The removal of a Trojan horse virus is likely of utmost importance to you; however, before we get to it, let me first elaborate on exactly what a Trojan horse is. A Trojan horse virus is basically a small program that is designed to either hijack or disrupt applications within your computer system. These viruses tend to work as an intermediary for other types of viruses such as spyware.

DLL Errors

How to Fix DLL Errors

DLL or Dynamic-Link Library is basically the introduction of the shared library for Windows Based Operating Systems. DLL files are made up of the code, data, and resources of the respective application handling it. With the introduction of DLL files, resources for the execution of an application can now be shared across multiple shared libraries, speeding up the execution and operation phase in the process.

Blue Screen of Death

How to Fix the Blue Screen of Death

The infamous BSOD or Blue Screen of Death is an error message that literally everyone has encountered at least once. To most people it’d appear as a splash of unintelligible text on an annoyingly potent blue background. It has a habit of showing up when we least expect it, resulting in total loss of everything we were currently working on.

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