Errors are generally accepted as a typical and common occurrence, while using your PC. The vast majority of these “errors” are harmless, however, there are instances when a user may stumble upon something critical, like a BSOD, such as THREAD STUCK IN DEVICE DRIVER. The error name is quite self-explanatory, it indicates that a device driver has stuck, waiting for the hardware device (it’s assigned to) to respond.

Media Is Write Protected – How to Fix It

Write Protection is a feature found on external storage devices (such as USB sticks, portable hard drives, etc.) that exists as an additional security measure. Ultimately, its objective is to prevent the user from accidently erasing or altering the data on disk. The media is write protected (ERROR_WRITE_PROTECT) – is an error notification that appears when a user attempts to copy, erase or edit the contents of a feature locked device, such as this.

Your Internet Access is Blocked – How to Fix it

It’s not uncommon for a user to encounter “Your internet access is blocked” with the ERR_NETWORK_ACESS_DENIED error code, while attempting to visit a website. The user’s immediate inclination is to give up and go to another website, however, there are things you can and should try, to access the site. “Your internet access is blocked” can appear without a moment’s notice.


The FAULTY HARDWARE CORRUPTED PAGE BSOD STOP error is very daunting, as it prohibits the end user from accessing the system, essentially, forcing a system restart. Initial research indicates that the error refers to memory corruption as the root cause. One of the worst things about this error is that the user can get stuck in a booting loop, where the error continuously appears at the end of the boot up phase.

Could Not Create the Java Virtual Machine – Fix

When Java is installed on your system, without issue, it means, apps and games that require Java, work, without hiccup. However, there are instances when issues may arise, which can cause errors such as “Could not create the Java Virtual Machine”. Essentially, this means Java was unable to launch the virtual machine which is required to start the Java-based application.

Not Enough USB Controller Resources – How to Fix It

I’m assuming you recently encountered the “not enough USB controller resources” error notification when you attempted to plug an external device into one of your USB ports. So, what would you like to know? What causes it? What you can do to fix it?

Print Job Won’t Delete – How to Fix It

If you’ve used a printer for any real length of time, then you’d have almost certainly faced the numerous problems that come along with that. Such as low ink, paper jams and the like. But of all these problems, there’s none more aggravating when a print job won’t delete. In the vast majority of cases, the end user need only delete the offending print job to fix any issue that may arise from it.

How to Create a Winning Digital Marketing Strategy for E-Commerce

Creating a Digital marketing strategy for e-commerce requires careful planning. Your marketing activities aimed at attracting visitors, interacting with customers, and ultimately boosting sales require a good plan and experience in strategy. A strategy is what distinguishes businesses from the rest in this competitive e-commerce market, reaches the right target audience, and converts visitors into customers.

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