DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_BAD_CONFIG can be characterised as a fairly common error, with a large number of users encountering it. This error is typically an internet connection issue, which prohibits the users from surfing the web. So it goes without saying, that it’s a relatively big error.

Driver Unloaded Without Cancelling Pending Operations Fix

If you’re actively reading this post, then it means you have encountered the uncommon Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) error called Driver Unloaded without Cancelling Pending Operations. To summarise, this error message simply means that were tasks and processes being carried out on your computer even after a driver stopped working, resulting in a system conflict which manifested into the BSOD.

Fixing Outlook Error 0x800CCC13

Microsoft Outlook is a mail client application used primarily for sending and receiving emails. It is a tool commonly used on virtually every version of Windows. With that said, one of the main drawbacks of Outlook is the various errors and bugs users encounter on it.

Repairing the Video Scheduler Internal Error

From you being here, I can only surmise that you have encountered a blue screen of death error. Fortunately, you were wise enough to document this error and search for solutions online, which is how you stumbled upon my post. This is an error that does manifest itself on earlier versions of Windows, but ultimately, it’s fair to say that this error is primarily Windows 8 based, which is why I will be focusing primarily on it.


If you’re reading this post, then it means you have been hit by the relatively serious blue screen of death error (BSOD) called KERNEL_SECURITY_CHECK_FAILURE. Despite that, there are still many things that you can do to combat it. This particular error may also appear on your screen in the form of the STOP Error 0x139.


If you’re reading this post, then it means you have encountered the Windows 8.1 exclusive BSOD CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED error. BSOD or blue screen of death errors can be very scary, when first encountered, but despite the names and appearances, most BSOD errors tend to be temporary in nature. This means, irrespective of the error you encounter, it can be fixed, through the deployment of various repair remedies.


This blue screen of death error almost always seems to appear out of nowhere on Windows 8.1 based systems. Technically it was possible to get this error on other Windows based systems, in the past, it was just very rare. When people first encounter the CRITICAL_STRUCTURE_CORRUPTION error, it can sometimes be characterised with a random restart and also the STOP 0x00000109 error code.

Repairing Outlook Error 0x8004060C

With Microsoft Outlook, users are given a dynamic interface of which they can use, to send emails in addition to various other business minded activities. However, despite all of that, it’s not uncommon for individuals to encounter errors while using this nifty tool. The vast majority of these errors occur when a user attempts to send or receive an email, remove a contact, update their calendar etc.

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