COM Surrogate Has Stopped Working – How to Fix It

While using your Windows based system, it’s not uncommon for you to encounter various issues and errors that may not be directly related to the operating system but third party applications, drivers and devices connected to it. One error you might have encountered (if you are on this page) is the COM Surrogate Has Stopped Working, on your Windows based system. So what is this error, why does it occur, and what can you do to fix it?

Repairing Socket Error 10060

The socket error 10060 is an unambiguous error in that it refers to the destination server timing out. This error usually happens when individuals are trying to access their email, using an email client application, or while attempting to access a website. The time out can be caused by a number of different things, but in the case of your email client software.

Repairing Kernel_Data_Inpage_Error

The Kernel_Data_Inpage_Error is a blue screen of death (BSOD) error that is also known by the error code 0x0000007A. This particular error message indicates that data from the system Kernel was unsuccessfully read into memory. To put it simply, the operating system was unable to read specific data from the memory.

Fixing Error Code 0x80070057

In this tutorial, I intend to discuss how you can fix error code 0x80070057 on your system. However, before I divulge into it, I want to discuss a number of things that should put you in the right frame of mind, when it comes to tackling this error. The error 0x80070057 most commonly occurs on Windows 7 based systems, though not limited exclusively to it. Most individuals report receiving the error code 0x80070057 while attempting to install Windows 7 onto their computers for the first time; the exact error message varies.

Fixing a I/O Device Error

To put it simply, an I/O device error occurs whenever the operating system is unable to perform an input or output action, (such as sending, receiving or copying data) when attempting to access a storage device. The I/O device error can manifest itself in a number of different ways with varying error messages. There are so many causes for the I/O device error on Microsoft Windows based systems.

Repairing Compile Error in Hidden Module

Applications are not without fault and thus, from time to time are prone to errors while and during operation. Microsoft Office, one of the more population application suites is no stranger to errors, with Office programs having their own fair share of problems. In many instances, it can be very difficult to work out exactly what the problem is, based on the ambiguous error messages you are presented with.

Fixing Page Fault in Non-paged Area Error

While using your Windows based system, it’s not uncommon to encounter computer issues. Of all the error types, blue screen of deaths (BSOD) are without the doubt the worst. These error types are further compounded by the number of Windows users out there, so solutions must be created in order to resolve these errors.

How to Fix Error 0x8000ffff

System Restore is a tool that comes as standard with Microsoft Operating Systems, its function is to help you repair your system from minor and major issues, by restoring your system back to a period, before you were reporting incidences with it. However, with that said, it’s not uncommon for the restoration process to fail and return a catastrophic error 0x8000ffff on the screen. In such a situation, you may also find that you are unable to access your system, so this error has very heavy ramifications.

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